Me and my kiddo

Me and my kiddo

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An Awesome Blog and an Awesome Site

I'm modifying the original one blog recommendation to make this a bit more of a meaty post and because there's only one other website I came to through Autism research that I think is of general interest.  So... here's my take on the first one.

I wanted to share a quick note on this absolutely awesome blog:

This is the article that has me buzzing now :)
Part I
Part II

I've just gone through the whole site again, if you skip the entries on para-educators, I don't think there are more than a dozen posts.  I'm really excited about working on understanding how a paragraph works.  My kiddo is absolutely analytical enough to get this and will likely take a huge leap in his understanding.  Right now, his reading is still mostly fiction focused and I've already spent tons of time working through many of their suggestions on gaining from fiction.  These are just awesome ideas for helping kids get the most out of reading.

So... I just placed a hold on a non-fiction book on the history of legos and I have lots of paper plates ready. This is going to be fun!

Fell asleep reading Old Yeller... reading glasses still decorating the forehead
The second website was recommended specifically for hyperlexic kids because they tend to be so visual in their learning.  Google SketchUp is actually a free application (this site is for the videos, just go to the home page for downloading).  I have been amazed by the detailed graphics that kids can create with this tool.  My kiddo has been designing fanciful buildings for two years and printing them as presents.  If you have a kiddo at all interested in design, this program is great for showing how three dimensional shapes are going to interact.  Happy exploring :)

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